Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

Who is Fred Behanna?

Fred Behanna played drums for ApologetiX from February 1999 through January 2001. You can hear his drums on 15 of the tracks on "Biblical Graffiti" (Weird Al's drummer, Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz, plays on the other weven tracks) and all the tracks on "Spoofernatural." Fred also provided supplemental percussion on "Keep the Change" and "Grace Period."

A veteran of many rock bands, Fred also played with famous gospel group the Steel City Quartet and the vocal group Frontline. A long-time praise and worship team drummer, Fred continues in that role at his local church, when his schedule permits.

Fred combined with our bassist, Keith Haynie, in an interesting rhythm section: Nobody ever remembers Keith's name and Fred never remembered anybody's name. Consequently, Keith has been called by an assortment of names (See the FAQ titled "How did Keith get so many names?") and Fred decided to call everybody "Ben."

He also had trouble remember places, so if we asked him a question about where something occurred or was going to occur, he'd always answer "Uniontown," a reference to Uniontown, PA, home of famous Laurel Caverns.

A father of three, Fred now has seven grandchildren.