Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums
as of May 10, 2024

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05.09.24Influential Albums 1458-1464
05.09.24This Week's Bible-Reading
05.09.24New USBs in Stock, Include Latest Single
05.02.24Influential Albums 1451-1457
05.02.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
04.29.24Four Months Till the Big ApologetiX Show
04.29.24New Single: '64 & '73
04.29.24Over 1650 Tracks for $100
04.29.24Get Multiple Downloads for One Donation
04.26.24Influential Albums 1444-1450
04.24.24Clues for 2024 Single #9
04.18.24How to Donate Online or by Mail
04.18.24Influential Albums 1437-1443
04.18.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
04.18.24The Longest and Shortest ApX Song Titles
04.15.24Changes to Newsletter, Here's Why
04.15.24This Week's News Bulletin
04.15.24New Single: '74 & '78
04.12.24Influential Albums: 1430-1436
04.12.24Unchained Medley CD Added to iTunes, Spotify, Etc.
04.12.24Clues for 2024 Single #8
04.08.24This Week's News Bulletin
04.08.24How to Get the ApX Library, USBs, Multiple Downloads
04.08.24This Week's News Builletin
04.05.24Influential Albums: 1423-1429
04.05.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
04.05.24ApX Fan Needs Lung Transplant or a Miracle
04.03.24This Week's News Bulletin
04.01.24New Single: Two-Hit Wonders
03.29.24Bible-Reading Ends Tuesday, Starts Again Wednesday
03.29.24Rock the Bible Finishes Up
03.29.24Easter Season Playlist 2024
03.29.24Influential Albums: 1416-1422
03.28.24New CD BOGO Ends Sunday Night
03.28.24Clues for 2024 Single #7
03.25.24This Week's News Bulletin
03.22.24Influential Albums: 1409-1415
03.22.24This Week's Bible-Reading
03.22.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
03.20.24This Week's News Bulletin
03.20.24New Single: Top-Five Hits by Four-Man Bands
03.16.24Influential Albums: 1402-1408
03.16.24This Week's Bible-Reading and Rock Thru the Bible
03.12.24This Week's News Bulletin
03.09.24Influential Albums: 1395-1401
03.09.24This Week's Bible-Reading and Rock Thru the Bible
03.09.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
03.05.24This Week's News Bulletin
03.03.24New Single: '74 Solo Smashes
03.01.24A Serious Problem We're Trying to Address
02.29.24All About Our Next CD
02.29.24Influential Albums: 1388-1394
02.29.24This Week's Bible-Reading and Rock Thru the Bible
02.29.24Clues for 2024 Single #5
02.25.24This Week's News Bulletin
02.22.24Get Ready for Our Next CD
02.22.24Influential Albums: 1381-1387
02.22.24This Week's Bible Reading and Rock Thru the Bible
02.22.24Wayne Is Retiring, What's Next for Him and Us?
02.22.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
02.19.24This Week's News Bulletin
02.19.24New Single: Billy & The Beach
02.16.24Influential Albums: 1374-1380
02.16.24This Week's Bible Reading and Rock Thru the Bible
02.16.24Remembering ApX Friend Paul "Doc" Nigh (1956-2024)
02.16.24Clues for 2024 Single #4
02.10.24Influential Albums: 1367-1373
02.10.24This Week's Bible Reading and Rock Thru the Bible
02.10.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
02.06.24This Week's News Bulletin
02.06.24New Single: '74 & '83
02.03.24ApX Lead Singer/Lyricist Shares His Testimony 36 Years Later
02.03.24Influential Albums: 1360-1366
02.03.24This Week's Bible Reading and Rock Thru the Bible
02.03.24Latest CD Added to iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Etc.
02.02.24Clues for 2024 Single #3
01.29.24This Week's News Bulletin
01.26.24Influential Albums: 1353-1359
01.26.24How to Get the ApX Library, USBs, Multiple Downloads
01.26.24This Week's Bible-Reading and Rock Thru the Bible
01.26.24Flashback: J.'s Vision for ApologetiX in 2014
01.26.24J.'s Vision for ApologetiX in 2024
01.26.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
01.24.24Checking in With ApX Alum Drummer Fred Behanna
01.22.24This Week's News Bulletin
01.22.24New Single: '70s #1 Hits That Remade '60s Top 10 Hits
01.19.24Influential Albums: 1346-1352
01.19.24Encouraging Message from Longtime Fan in Oklahoma
01.19.24This Week's Bible-Reading & Rock Thru the Bible
01.15.24This Week's News Bulletin
01.12.24Influential Albums: 1339-1346
01.12.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single
01.12.24Rock Thru the Bible with ApX This Week
01.12.24New Testament Reading Started Wednesday
01.11.24New Worship Songs Available from ApX Alum Bill Rieger
01.08.24New Single: '81 & '83
01.08.24New CD BOGO Ends Sunday
01.08.24New USB Thumb Drives on the Way
01.05.24Clues for 2024 Single #1
01.05.24Influential Albums: 1332-1338

ApologetiX Easter Update - Lots of News
Sat., Apr. 14. 2001 1:56am EDT

Happy resurrection weekend to you! He is risen indeed!

J. Jackson, lead singer for ApologetiX (That Christian Parody Band) here.

1.Some Easter Memories and Thoughts from J.
2.Update on Jill Flaherty, Wife of Our Former Drummer Bob
3.ApologetiX on Worldwide TV Saturday
4.Upcoming Concerts
5.ApologetiX Under Review in Washington D.C.
6.Other Band Prayer Requests


You know, as I was growing up in grade school, something always made Easter stand out to me. Christmas was cool because of the presents and the tradition and the carols and the snow, but it didn't take long for Easter to become my favorite. I remember very distinctly singing "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" (also known in some circles as "Christ Our Lord is Risen Today") very joyously at the end of church every Easter Sunday. Now, I confess I was always joyous when church was over, but on Easter Sunday, I was especially joyous, because even back then, I knew that Christ's resurrection was something really, really special.

As some of you know, although I now attend a Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, I am a born again Christian, and I believe that you can find Christ in any denomination of Christianity that recognizes the Trinity, the deity of Christ and salvation by grace through faith in Christ. As a wise man once said, "In the essentials, unity; in the non-essentials, liberty; but in all things, charity." Let's face it; you can find both wheat and tares in just about every field (Matt. 13:24-30).

Anyway, with all that having been said, I grew up in a Catholic home, with 12 years of Catholic schooling, so I was a pretty religious little boy, which can have both advantages and disadvantages when one is trying to find God. I was a choirboy (Yep, that's a true story on our latest CD), a cantor, a eucharistic minister, and a member of the Liturgy committee at my school. I took Lent pretty seriously, although I hated fasting and not getting to eat meat on Fridays. I remember giving up TV for Lent in 1978 ó that's how seriously I took it! It was really hard, but it pretty much cured me from ever really getting too hooked on TV ó although one of the news items in this e-mail is about a worldwide TV broadcast that features ApologetiX, ironically enough! I also remember Easter 1975 (I'm dating myself here, but I was very, very young :o) when my three older sisters, Jeannine, Kris and Gayle, all got the clear plastic wrap packages of baseball cards (One of them had an all-star card of Bert Campaneris, the A's shortstop on top) in their Easter baskets, and I had to trade them some of my hard-earned candy to get what was rightfully mine! That was the same year we got the "Jesus Christ Superstar" album.

In those grade school, high school and college years, something about Lent always made me long to know God better. I loved watching and listening to "Jesus Christ Superstar," "Godspell," and "Jesus of Nazareth." They were the closest thing I had at the time to the real thing, and I could watch them over and over. I was never quite sure what I believed or what I was supposed to believe back then, but I already realized that if the story of Christ was indeed true, I would have loved to go back in a time machine and be chosen as one of his disciples ó to see His miracles first hand, and more importantly, to have Him look me in the eye, call me by name and choose me to follow Him. Sure, I also realized that I probably would have deserted him at the cross, just like the others, and I worried that I wouldn't have had enough courage to be a martyr. But, as I looked at all situations in human history, both in fact and fantasy, that was the one thing I thought would be the coolest ó to know Jesus and be one of His disciples. Little did I know what God had in store for me.

In the spring of 1985, I got a taste of it, when I played one of Jesus' disciples in our church's production of "Godspell." I don't think any of us cast members were born again Christians (in fact, we had a keg party after the show, although nobody got drunk), but we really were all affected by playing Christ's disciples. But it wasn't until early 1988, when I really finally got my wish ó to become a disciple of Christ ó something more than just somebody who watched Him from afar in the crowd. It was early 1988, when I heard Him call my name, and when I realized that He had chosen me to follow Him. And, I've seen many of His miracles first hand now. As a person who still remembers what it was like to be a shy, tall, skinny kid who got picked last or near the end for games in grade school, I am still in awe that the Captain of our Salvation chose me to be on His team.

I don't know why I felt led to write all this for you at this hour of the night (It's 1:24 a.m. Saturday morning), but I just want to encourage all of you ó whether you have found Christ or whether you're not sure ó He is really there, and He really loves you. And once He gets hold of you, He never lets go. I'm not talking about some warm and fuzzy, hazy feeling. There is a real person named Jesus Christ, God the Son, who came in the flesh and lives eternally, and, because He is God, He is omnipresent, and can indeed come to live inside your heart. My life has a B.C./A.D. line just like the timeline of history. Before Christ actually came, people knew about Him, because He had been prophesied for over a thousand years in the Old Testament, but all they could do was put their hope in Him, because He hadn't yet arrived into their lives, and they weren't really sure what He would be like. Once He came, though, things were very different for people who called themselves believers.

The same thing happened to me. When people saw the change in my life back in 1988, they figured it was another of my phases or fads, because I was a person who was pretty passionate about whatever he got into, whether it was baseball cards, comic books, music, whatever. But now it's over 13 years later, and I believe more strongly than ever. I am more aware of my own weakness and sinfulness than ever ... but I am also more aware of His grace, His strength, His sufficiency and His love than ever. There is no turning back. As another wise person once said, "Once you see truth, you can't un-see it." I love music so much that when I'm immersed in it, whether it be listening to it or performing it, it seems like the most natural thing in the world for me to do. However, I don't know how many years ApologetiX will last. I hope we'll be around for a long time. But I know one thing: whether I'm doing it with ApologetiX or not, I plan to be sharing the message of the Gospel. And I am very, very thankful that God has allowed us to share our faith on those little silver discs ó with our preaching preserved in a way that could last long after we've passed into the next life.

People often ask us if we'll ever write any original songs. Actually, all four members of this band have written their share of original songs. To sum up what I was just saying, I'd like share with you a verse from the second Christian song I ever wrote, way back in the summer of 1988:

"Dear Lord, I'll keep pushing, I'll keep pressing, I'll keep plugging, pleading your case To my enemies, to my family, my friends, myself ó the whole human race Not for power, not for any extra blessing after I've died Just because it's the truth ó couldn't hold it in if I tried ó can't keep it inside."

And that's the way I still feel. He is risen indeed!


Thanks to all of you who sent emails of encouragement for our old drummer, Bob Flaherty, in regard to his wife, Jill. She is currently at home and awaiting test results (due May 10), and Bob has promised to send us an update that we can send to all of you. In the meantime, we wanted to show you a bit of the e-mail that he sent us Wednesday in response to your outpouring of encouragement:

>Thank you so much for sending out that letter. >When I opened my email and saw 98 messages I thought >it had to be all junk mail. I couldn't believe it, >only 11 hours later and 97 people have reported >praying for Jill, not counting their spouses or prayer >chains or church groups they have reported are >praying. I am going to save every one of them to show >Jill. I can only imagine how she will react, I almost >cried. Please, I don't think I have the time right >now, but please tell them thank you so much for me. I got >letters from Pittsburgh, Texas, South Africa, and just >about every other spot on the map. People who are 14, >17, and some who claim to be "old". I don't know most >of them but what an incredible impact they have had on >me tonight. Thank them for their prayers. Jill is >going to need it. > >It is hard to see God in all this. I know He's there >it is just so hard to see and feel Him right now. I >wish I could explain how it felt to flip through email >after email, and even as I type this they are still >pouring in. Thank you so much.


Starting, Saturday, April 14, (That's tomorrow to some of you and today to the rest of you), ApologetiX is about to get major exposure on 450 television stations worldwide (U.S., Canada and Europe), with a potential viewing audience of half a billion people!

The international Christian TV show "Just the Facts" will run a spot on ApologetiX on Saturday, April 14, at 11 a.m. EST on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Even if you're not a regular watcher of TBN or Christian TV in general, there's a good chance you've stumbled onto "Just fhe Facts," with host Rod Hembree, while channel surfing. I know that I have. And I was pretty impressed with what I saw; it was smart, witty, quality stuff. I don't agree with some of the things I've heard on some of the shows on TBN ó they have a really, really wide range of theology on that network ó but I like what I've seen on "Just the Facts."

Trinity Broadcasting Network has television affiliates located throughout the United States. On the website listed above, you can select the name of the state from the pull-down list below to find out what stations carry the TBN broadcast in your area.

To watch it "live" on the Net:

To find a TV station near you that will carry the broadcast, go to:

As you may remember, we were recently approached by the Canadian company that produces the Christian television shows, "Quick Study," "Just the Facts," and "The Adventures of Enoch" -- You'll probably recognize them if you know who Ron Hembree and his son, Rod Hembree, are. From what I hear, they were impressed with the ministry of ApologetiX, and would like to feature us frequently. They have has asked to start advertising ApologetiX CDs on their shows. The company has produced the spots themselves and will order ApologetiX CDs and offer them through their programs.

Over 60-70 percent of those stations are located in North America. Actual viewership (people whom they know for a fact tune in to the shows) is 1.5 million per "Quick Study" show and 2.5 million per week for all three shows. Our contact says those numbers are actually CONSERVATIVE, and that the actual numbers could be up to 4 million per week for all three shows.


Sat., April 14
(Sorry, we thought we MIGHT be in Columbus, OH, on this date, but schedules didn't work out!)

Sat., April 21, 4-8 p.m.
Triangle Park (next to the Civic Center) Lexington KY
Contact: Jay Kerr 859-858-0493

Fri., April 27, 2001 at 7 p.m.
Sponsored by KLTY & Equally Yoked Singles
11130 Malibu Drive
Dallas, TX 75229
SpeedZone Phone: (972) 247-7223

Sat., April 28, 2001 at 7 p.m. (With Geoff Moore and Duffy Robbins)
Lansdale United Methodist Church
300 North Broad Street
Lansdale, PA 19446
Contact: Mike Rau 215-258-5275

Sun., April 29, 2001 at 7 p.m.
Craig High School
Janesville WI
Contact: Pastor Steve Otey 608-755-1450 (church)

Sat., May 5, 2001 at 7 p.m.
Brooklyn High School
9200 Biddulph Road
Brooklyn, OH 44144
Tickets: $7 advance, $10 door
Contact: Mike Bunaisky Church Phone: 216.749.2024

Fri., May 11
Acquire the Fire
Pittsburgh, PA
NOT A CONCERT - Just an appearance with Chalmers Music Seminars

Sat., May 12 at 8 p.m.
JC's Place Salvation Army
RR 8, Box 135
Punxsutawney, PA
Contact: Rod Redcay 814-938-1998

Fri., May 18, 2001 at 8 p.m.
1010 DeVinney Road
York, SC
Contact: Rev. Alan Price of Union Baptist Church (803) 684-3881
Contact: Shelly Myers (803) 684-0249 Email:


Well, I've got two sisters who live in the D.C. area, and one of them works for the CIA, but what that headline really means is that we just received the following e-mail from our publicist, Kathleen Burke:

"Today I got this publication called "The Review" from D.C. It's a publication mentioning all of the theater performances in D.C., so I'm paging through, reading about "Hello Dolly" coming to town. Another article about the "Barenaked Ladies," and, sure enough, right next to it is an article about APOLOGETIX! What a kick! It's a great review too!


Please pray for our publicist, Kathleen Burke. After 15 years with the same company, her husband, Terry, lost his job last week. They have two young sons, who love to pray for the needs of ApologetiX and others. Please keep the Burke family in your prayers for protection and direction.

Also, please pray for our bass player, Keith Haynie, and his family, as they are trying to sell their house, where they've lived for the last decade, and to move into another home with room for their kids, Sam (9), Sarah (7), and Abbey (5), who are currently all sharing the same bedroom. The Haynies have been trying to make do for a long time with their present living conditions, but they are very cramped.

God bless you all!



-- J. Jackson Lead Singer/Lyricist ApologetiX (That Christian Parody Band)

Luke 24:37-38
But they (the disciples) were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. And He (Jesus) said to them, "Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have."