Build the bus
Today I was going to install the air conditioners on the roof, but the friend that was going to come help with that couldn’t make it after all. So, we did a full cleanout and decided to see how the bus is holding up on the road. Glad to report that it did “air up” to level and drove fine. I know we’ll need to replace the engine in it (cough)  in the medium term, but for now it seems ok. The Frantiks came over again and helped a lot!    
Bunk Walls and Upholstering Still
The bus, half done but blowin’ down the highway
The view from the half finished bunks
It’s like driving a glass sphere. It’s easier than a car, really.
I throw some gas in. $75 hits the bottom of the 156 gal. tank like a drop
Would love to paint this black. Any takers?
Time to roll
It’s standing much more level now.
Saw horses
Kelli is a master craftswoman and knows her upholstery!
Zack helps push the wall for affixing
it takes pressure. There’s a lot of foam in the wall. I’m going for quiet.
Working in confined spaces
Kelli is sanding
Zack a big help
It’s fun being powered BY the bus instead of extension cords.
Crouching Tiger
Maddie napping on the driver’s seat.