Build the bus
Nate Jones from Maryland drove up for a couple days to help with the bus! We even got to take a break and ride horses. We finally finished the ceiling and the back bench. As for the “hooch”, well, you’ll have to see for yourself.
Helpers, Horsin' and Hooch!
Kevin finishing ceiling
Brandon harvesting foam from the removed seats
Kevin’s son driving Jammer
Kevin’s turn
Karl framing in back bench
With help from the Brothers Gross
Time to ride a REAL horse!
Evan screwing around again
Foam in the voids for sound
Since the bench is over the engine
Metal, sheet lead, plaster, plywood, foam, more plywood then pad.
THAT should keep the engine noise out!
Here’s where we are
Front ceiling is dene too.
As for the hooch, a bottle of vodka found in a seat (empty, but smelly)