Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums
as of April 19, 2024
Fan Club Members

Confirmed Fan club members see exclusive stuff like free MP3's, fan club-only CDs, lyrics and distance to concerts.

If I don't recognize your address, I'll instantly send you an email to confirm it's your correct email.Let me know if you don't get it. (So you need a real email address)


If you're in the club, we'll know you by your email address. If not, we'll get your name and zipcode on the next screen.

In the News:
Over 1650 Tracks for $100
Thu., Apr. 18, 2024 8:20pm EDT

We're giving our complete library on download to everyone who donates $100 this week. That's 1670 tracks, including


Recent News:
04.18.24How to Donate Online or by Mail
04.18.24This Week's Bible-Reading
04.18.24Influential Albums 1437-1443
04.18.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single

Yesterday's News!

For years, we've kept in touch with our fans via weekly emails. AND we've saved most of them for diehard fans and archeologists.

News archive >>

ApologetiX Trivia

In what year was ApologetiX formed?

answer >>

ApologetiX on the Web

We can't keep up with all of them, but there are several ApologetiX related fan sites and web rings on the web. Take a peek get the conversations going, and show your support there!

Update Your Profile.

We're always trying to do cool things for our fans, and we can't do anything if we don't know something about you, so, please take a second and be very honest. This is between you and me. We'll protect your privacy with our life.

Please tell us about you:
First Name
Last Name
Address 2

Changing Your Email?

If we already know you by another email address put that old address here:

Day Phone
Eve Phone
Cell Phone
Date of Birth
Are you a Christian?
If so, since what year
Have you seen
ApologetiX live?
Email preferences:

Type the above six-lettered Hebrew word for "protected." It's in ALL CAPS.


Check only those that apply to you:

Youth Leader Radio DJ (call letters, please)
Pastor Concert Promoter
Puppet Ministry Media
Which CDs do you have:
Radical History Tour Ticked
Jesus Christ Morningstar Biblical Graffiti
Spoofernatural Keep the Change
Christmas CD
(fan club only)
Grace Period
Isn't Wasn't Ain't reissue Adam Up
New and Used Hits Apol-acoustiX
Hits: The Road Wordplay
Chosen Ones Future Tense
Recovery The Boys Aren't Backin' Down