Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

How often has ApologetiX been in "HM" magazine?

HM Magazine, the national Christian hard rock magazine, has featured ApologetiX many times, including a full-length interview with lead singer/lyricist J. Jackson, in its May/June 2004 issue.

Although that interview was edited due to space constraints, HM has posted a longer version on its website at:

Here's what HM Editor Doug Van Pelt had to say about "Adam Up" in a 2004 email to ApologetiX:

"I'm really enjoying the new album, and I haven't kept any of the previous ApologetiX CD's in my car like this ... way to go! Furthermore, not many albums at all stay as long as yours has. 'Downer of a Sister' is cued up to bring me to work tomorrow. This is my own personal compliment that not a lot of albums get."

Here's some additional comments by HM writer Jamie Lee Rake from the March/April issue:

"Love 'em or lump 'em, credit ApologetiX with consistency ... I'm pretty much in the 'love 'em' camp ... ApologetiX put sacred texts to song as good as Michael Card or anyone more 'serious' about it."