Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

What does the "J." stand for?

We asked our lead singer, J. Jackson, what the "J." stood for and he said this:

"The 'J.' stands for Jennifer. You can imagine how embarrassing that was for me growing up. Can you blame me for just going by 'J.?'

We asked him to explain it another time and he said this:

"Well, I was the fourth child my parents had, and by that time, they were so poor from raising my three older sisters that they decided to be contestants on a game show to try to raise money so they could raise me.  They finally made it onto 'Wheel of Fortune,' but they were so poor, they couldn't even buy a vowel.  And that's why all I got was a 'J.'"

We asked him a third time, and he said:

"The J. is actually short for J.J."

Thanks for clearing things, up J.! :)

Inquiring minds can delve further into the mystery on the latest ApologetiX CD, "New & Used Hits: Best of ApologetiX Vol. 1 & 2." J. promises that one of the songs holds us a crucial clue to his secret identity!