Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

What happened to J.'s hair?

In the late 1960's, a rumor went around that Beatles singer/bassist Paul McCartney had died and had been replaced by a lookalike. Fans pointed to many so-called clues in Beatles songs and on Beatles album covers as evidence. The resulting hysteria regenerated interest in the Fab Four and further added to their mystique.

Hoping to capture lightning in a bottle twice (or at least lightning bugs in a jar, since we're talking about Beatles here), ApologetiX concocted an elaborate scheme to convince the public that lead singer J. Jackson had dyed. Consequently, the band's 2000 release, "Spoofernatural," featured a golden-tressed vocalist in the place of the tall, dark and wholesome singer on the band's previous four releases.

Jackson says he doesn't regret dying one bit: "When you're in rock and roll, one of the greatest things is to go gold or platinum. So I decided to go gold. In my family, we all eventually go platinum -- we are the Jacksons after all -- so I knew it was just a matter of time. And everybody in the music industry knows you have to go gold before you can go platinum."

An independent single release by J.'s daughters, "Papa Don't Bleach," got some airplay on underground college radio stations but failed to make the national charts.