Clues for 2024 Single #13

We hope to release our 13th single of 2024 by the end of this weekend, Lord willing.

Here are your clues. Want to really impress us? See if you can spot all of the references in both entries. We counted a total of 20.


With humans being what they are, everybody wants somebody to tell them the secrets of eternal life, but too many fools reject John 3:16. They’d rather dance the night away and hear about it later when they have one foot out the door. You’re not good enough for Heaven as is. Don’t be D.O.A. on Judgment Day. The time to listen is right now!


If God told you to ask Him for anything you wanted, what would you do? Have you heard the story of King Solomon? We’re gonna double back and tell it again. The greatest minds of his day couldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole. Many folks probably envision him as a wise old man, but he actually got that wisdom in the early stages of his reign.

Once the new single is released, we'll announce it in our news bulletin, on our website, and on our Facebook page.