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Clues for 2024 Single #15 

We hope to release our 15th single of 2024 by the end of this weekend, Lord willing. 

Our clues this time around are a little different than usual:


When you learn the title of the song we spoofed here, you might assume it’s a remake of a previous parody, but that’s not the case. We’ve never covered this particular artist before. You don’t have to be Batman to figure this one out, but the caped crusader would have insights and perspective unlike any other famous detective.  


Elsewhere in this…

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Clues for 2024 Single #14 

We hope to release our 14th single of 2024 by the end of this weekend, Lord willing. 

Here are your clues. Want to really impress us? See if you can spot all of the references in both entries. We counted a total of 16.


The men transporting the prisoner Paul had thought they were bound on a reasonably safe voyage, but soon it seemed they'd end up deep down at the bottom of the Adriatic Sea. Even with no end in sight, the mysterious miracle maker assured them they weren’t all goin’ down together. They…

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Clues for 2024 Single #13 

We hope to release our 13th single of 2024 by the end of this weekend, Lord willing.

Here are your clues. Want to really impress us? See if you can spot all of the references in both entries. We counted a total of 20.


With humans being what they are, everybody wants somebody to tell them the secrets of eternal life, but too many fools reject John 3:16. They’d rather dance the night away and hear about it later when they have one foot out the door. You’re not good enough for Heaven as is. Don’t be…

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Clues for 2024 Single #11 

We hope to release our 11th single of 2024 by the end of this weekend, Lord willing. 

Here are your clues. Want to really impress us? See if you can spot all of the references in both entries. We counted a total of 18.

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Clues for 2024 Single #10 

We hope to release our 10th single of 2024 by the end of this weekend, Lord willing.

Want to really impress us? See if you can spot all of the references in both clues. We counted a total of 18.


There's a vital question to ask of any philosophy: Is it true? A serpent could be waiting in the weeds. Satan's smarter than us, but it’s never wise to take the devil’s advice. Woe to those guilty of the crime of leading others astray. Do something that’ll save a lot of wasted time: Read the Bible yourself before reading what somebody says about it.

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