The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single: Ain't Talkin' 'bout Fluff / Smart Blest Man

J. Jackson, lead singer and lyricist for ApologetiX here again. Here are the stories behind the songs on our 13th single of 2024: 


Sometimes, when I'm in the middle of talking about something mundane, I'll lose interest in what I'm saying and wonder how the people to whom I'm speaking could care. I'm not much for small talk, but I realize it can be an important stepping stone to building a rapport with neighbors, co-workers, and others we encounter regularly in our lives. And that can lead to discussions about more important matters. 

Now, let me be clear that I don't scrutinize each casual conversation, trying to find an angle to insert my faith. I'm not a salesman ... although I do have a free gift I'd like to share with others. Nevertheless, I try to keep Colossians 4:6 in mind and let my speech always be "seasoned with salt.” 

I got the title for "Ain't Talkin' 'bout Fluff" on June 2, 2024. There's nothing fluffy about telling people they're sinners in need of a Savior, even if you make the point that we're all in the same boat. 

That's one reason I don't feel bad about keeping up with sports. I know the topic is unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but it makes a nice ice-breaker and helps shatter some people's preconceived notions that I might be "too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good.” 

Humor helps, too. At one point during my early Christian walk, I got so serious that a couple Christian brothers of mine, Thom and Art Passante, had to take me aside and remind me that God gave me the ability to make people laugh, and I could use that gift for His glory. 

"Ain't Talkin' 'bout Fluff" features J. Jackson on lead vocals; Tom Tincha on guitars; Rich Mannion on backing vocals; Keith Haynie on bass; and Jimmy "Vegas" Tanner on drums and percussion.


We released our first version of "Smart Blest Man" 25 years before this one. That quarter-century seems like it zoomed by so quickly ... and so does our 1999 recording, which sounds as if we were trying to set a land-speed record. Compare the running times; it took us almost a minute less to get through the entire song back then. 

As our old drummer Fred Behanna pointed out to me during a long lunch get-together in January 2024, we didn't let him use a click track in '99, so I'll state for the record that he was an excellent drummer who kept good time. We were so excited about being in the studio and had so many songs to do in one session that Karl or I may have counted him in super-fast. 

Fred told me that each time ApologetiX rerecords a song from his tenure with the band, he feels like Marty McFly in Back to the Future when his image starts disappearing from the photo. However, Fred played a vital role as our drummer from 1999-2001 and deserves to be remembered and appreciated. He took us to a new level, and I don't know what we would have done without him. 

Moreover, I'm sure our earlier version of "Smart Blest Man" will remain near and dear to the hearts of longtime ApX fans, because it's the one they "grew up with" (Luke 5:39). It also contains a lot of ZZ Top jokes that weren't included in the remake. Back in '99, I'd already written parodies of "Tush" and "Legs" but didn't know if we'd ever get to record them, so I threw in the kitchen sink. 

"Smart Blest Man" features J. Jackson on lead vocals; Tom Tincha on guitars; Rich Mannion on keyboards and backing vocals; Keith Haynie on bass; and Jimmy "Vegas" Tanner on drums, percussion, and hand claps.